Monday, October 19, 2015

Show. Don't Tell.

A Journal of Real Estate study found that buyers looking at online Real-Estate Listings spend 60% of their time viewing the property's photos.  

Out of the photos, the majority of time was spent looking at the exterior photo, then the living room,  and views from windows.  The study found the least amount of time was spent looking at the master bathroom.  

Check out the Wall Street Journal's entire video and article.

If you're in  need of professional real estate photos give me a call at 314-629-7719 or visit

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Does Clutter Ruin the Shot?

One of the best things that can be done to prepare for  a home photo shoot is to diminish  clutter.  For this article we'll be using a bathroom as an example.  Often when we are in a "real" place our brains ignore items like shampoo bottles, tissue boxes, toothpaste etc.   However, when we look at a photo something happens and all those items steal the show.

Here's an example of a bathroom that hasn't been groomed to showcase the room.  Instead we are mostly aware of the many hygiene items left  about and we wonder about the homeowner's cleaning habits.

Looking at the above image, you're brain probably doesn't even register that this bathroom has lots of counter space and a lovely glass shower door.  However, after taking a couple of minutes to put everything away, the result is a much more pleasing image that showcases the room's features.

Also note how a bit of greenery was  placed into the shot, which adds softness and color.  For more on plants refer back to my previous article, Flower Power.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

12158 Trailway House

Yesterday I spent the morning shooting this beautifully maintained and nicely decorated residence in the Creve Coeur area.

The home is for sale by owner Kristyn Newbern, who also happens to be an agent with Red Key Realty, and a really nice lady.   I tried to keep the images true to the experience of being in the home and thanks to Kristyn's eye for styling, it made my job much easier.

Photos by:  Karen Palmer